Today is 09.09.09! A unique date which clocks once in every 100 years! I came across many articles on the web stating that 09.09.09 signifies this and that and then suddenly I read somewhere that 09.09.09 is also a mark of creativity! There couldn't had been a better time and at this very moment I decided to launch my new blog - Go Webo (pronounced web-o, in hindi वेबो).
Webo means ..from the web. Everyday million of things are posted on the web and sometimes one stumbles across some really good ones. Through my blog Go Webo, I will post new and interesting stuff from the web. It can be from any field but the bottomline is - it has to be interesting! So, become a Webo follower and let's Go Webo on 09.09.09! Unique, right? (",)
The name Webo is really cool! Way to go Webo!